
Saturday 9 May 2015

PILC 2015. Students' Projects 7

Benhachem's slideshow is a tribute to Rocky. Click on the Autoplay button to watch as a video.

Click here to see the slideshow

Saturday 2 May 2015

PILC 2015. Students' Projects 6

Yas - Min is the pseudonym this girl has chosen to sign her story.

Click here to watch the video

PILC 2015. Students' Projects 5

Rubén's movie is entitled A Hard Winter for a Bear. You'll really feel like hugging that cuddly hairy animal.
Click here to watch the full movie

Friday 1 May 2015

PILC 2015. Students' Projects 4

Miro is helping us remember the names of countries and their matching nationalities with these two videos.

Click here to watch the first video

Click here to watch the second video

PILC 2015. Students' Projects 3

Rachid is introducing these peculiar characters in his first video.
Click here to watch the video